Guitar strings

We have Knobloch strings on all our concert guitars and have them in stock. We believe that these high quality strings have a perfect projection, balance, tone and intonation and are the most durable of all strings we tested.

The Knobloch Actives product line enhances the musical expression of the guitarist by providing more security, comfort and ease in realizing the interpretation. Knobloch Actives strings offer: A wide range of colours and enhanced resonance through the use of high-quality materials. An extremely responsive touch with good vibrato. A perfect balance that makes the tension of the strings unnoticeable. A greater resilience and durability thanks to the selection and quality control of superior materials. This set is a benchmark and a classic example of the new generation of strings with their brilliant, present and warm sound.

The origins of Knobloch Strings begins with Jiri Knobloch, a guitarist, luthier, artist and creator of the first Knobloch Actives strings in Germany in 1971. His passion for the guitar and desire to find the perfect sound led him to create Knobloch Actives, high quality strings designed for professional guitarists.

'If it’s true that everything moves with vibrations, we like to think that our work helps the world vibrate more fully through art'

"Handcrafted instruments are not perfect. Their uniqueness, beauty and sound reflect the soul of a Luthier"

Guitars for passionate guitarists that are looking for their personal preferences. We can help you to find your dream guitar.

Each guitar has been tested and played before we put it up for sale. We make audio and video recordings of each guitar.

There is also the possibility to arrange a live (video) chat with the guitar and us to answer all your questions and queries.   

Our collection

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